ZZ Top’s Billy Gibbons Reveals The Cause Of Death Of Dusty Hill

In a new interview with Variety, ZZ Top frontman Billy Gibbons has opened up about his late bandmate Dusty Hill‘s tragic passing and commented on the cause of death of him.

As some of you know, Dusty Hill died in his sleep at his home on July 27, 2021. So far, there is nothing about the cause of death of the musician. Billy Gibbons broke his silence about the issue and commented on it.

When the interviewer asked him that if there is any official cause of death of Dusty Hill, Gibbons touched on the musician’s broken shoulder and broken hip, as his wife later reported that he had suffered from chronic bursitis.

“That’s about all they can determine,” he said. “Let’s face it, you don’t necessarily pass away from a broken shoulder or broken hip. Although the attending physician had earlier warned him that bursitis was not uncommon, even arthritis, and they said it’s not a very comfortable place to be.

“And I could tell that he was moving a little slow. He said, ‘Boy, this shoulder and hip are really starting to become a problem.’ But, as of this juncture, yeah, it was off to dreamland and beyond.”

Gibbons Says Hill Had Some Problems With Some Ulcers

Dusty Hill, ZZ Top – (image: Gaelle Beri)

Continuing to talk about his late bandmate, Gibbons mentioned the health status of Dusty Hill. According to him, the musician wanted to dismiss him from the tour because of his health status.

“And then he requested dismissing himself,” he said. “He said, ‘Yeah, let me go check this out.’ And of course I said, ‘Hey, man, health is number one. Go do your thing.’ And I could tell through those first two valiant attempts, if he’s not giving it 110%, he was the first one to kind of say, ‘Gee whiz. Let’s go take care of this.'”

“It’s no secret that over the past few years he had a pretty rough go with a broken shoulder, followed with a broken hip. And he had some problems with some ulcers. So he’s been kind of tiptoeing through keeping himself ship-shape, best he could. But I think that this was a real challenge. And by throwing in the towel, it might’ve caught up with him. Who knows? I’m just glad he’s in a good spot.”

ZZ Top Will Continue Without Dusty Hill

The American rock band ZZ Top made its first-ever live show with the new bassist after the band’s longtime bassist Dusty Hill‘s tragic and sudden passing.

On July 30, in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, ZZ Top made a live performance with the band’s new bassist. In the show, the band was joined by the crew’s two-decade member guitar tech Elwood Francis.

According to the band, the band will continue its shows with the guitar tech Elwood Francis.

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  1. According to his wife that was there when he passed, he was talking to her and passed away mid sentence. They really need to get it right, I believe his wife.

  2. rest in peace dusty hill jesus just left chicago and iknow he picked you up on the way back to heaven

  3. Yes you have two stories, one his wife saying Dusty woke her up in the middle of the night and they started talking he then just stopped talking and just leaned over and died next to her, so the the question did she call 911? you would thing he was taken to the Hospital and they tried to save him, the other story he just died in his sleep ? just doesn’t make any sense. RIP Dusty…

  4. Into the goodnight my friend. News travels slow in my world. Thank for all the wonderful memories. One of my favorite ones is when yall opened for the Rolling Stones in the Astrodome. I was 17, maybe 18. Before that you signed the back of my ticket at the Dallas Convention Center. And that music. Hope your at my party when I get there. Love to all who will miss you like me…

  5. We know you left as a sharp dressed man that motived the bold historical beard movement that only the gifted could sport . So with 2 injures to major joints that sport major arteries think about PE. Pulmonary embolus. Thrown to the heart/lungs can cause
    “Almost” immediate death.
    As I age with them the music ages with me. It seems like yesterday.
    RIP Dusty. Keep the beard tidy.

  6. I just went August 6, 2021 and seen ZZ TOP for the first time… There music is still the same, just not the people… RIP Dusty as you will be missed…

  7. In the process of a restoration project, and having gold leaf done with ZZ Top logo on the tank for my best friend who was killed on this bike by a drunk driver. He was the biggest ZZ Top fan I knew.

  8. Tragic lose!! Loved their music!! It will live on forever!! RIP Dusty you were much loved by millions!!

  9. You were and will always be the baddest bassist of all time, love you, may you rest in peace, hope to see you again someday, my prayers go out to your family, THE Best Band Ever!!!!!


  11. ZZ TOP was the first concert l had ever been to in my life. I am now 54 and will be seeing them again tomorrow night in SLC UTAH. I am so excited. I am sure l will not have the chance again.

  12. It is along story and Billy does a lot really kind and generous things but he likes it kept personal and private.
    He has never met me and doesn’t know me but stepped in and did me really big and generous favor.
    ZZ were these kind of guys so I really felt terrible for Billy losing what had to feel like a family member.

  13. First time I saw the z was in the late seventies second late 80s third time 90s I’m 71 slowing down but I have tickets for 12 1 Tyler tx taking my grandson who plays bass so pumped dusty you will be missed by millions may your journey be safe with no pain when you go across the rainbow bridge you will see many friends rest in piece bro your name will go on forever 🎸🎸🎸🎸

  14. IN 1974 I was 22 and met up with a guy from Dallas while we were riding motorcycles from Texas to Calif. Listening to the radio I heard ZZ Top and instantly fell in love with the style of music. I’d never heard of them before this…
    and he’d say ‘you never heard of ZZ Top?’ Well we were both heading to San Diego and hell if they weren’t playing there the week after. One of the best concerts …. on the level of Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin!
    God Bless you Dusty and RIP

  15. Had the pleasure of sitting in several times on drums with Billy and Dusty at ‘The Cellar’ (Houston, TX) back in the 70’s. Thanks guys…My thoughts are with you and the family…Dusty will be missed.
    Al Hixon

  16. One of my favorite group. Three man band that didn’t any more members to make awesome music that will go down in history of rock and roll. I fortunately got to see them once in Dallas, Texas at the Cotton Bowl touring with The Rolling Stones believe in 1983 or sometime around then. Dusty will be missed here on earth but living the eternal life with Jesus Christ and not feeling any pain or sadness just very happy and perfect body. Who cares how he died just knowing it was his time. Love you and one day we will may get to see each other in heaven. There is no replacement for him. I know Fran and Billy want to go on with their music but after 50 years with Dusty not with them, I will just never see them again live but enjoy hearing their music still.

  17. ZZ Top second only to Led Zeppelin. Dusty Hill the GOAT. 1976 liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium Memphis Tennessee Texas World Tour. Front row seat. I was 13 years old. Greatest concert of all time. ZZ Top, Blue oyster cult and lynard skynard. It was a great trip. “R.I.P.”Dusty.

  18. Saw them in an abandoned bowling alley in the Summer of 1973 in Alice, Texas and immediately picked up their first album, Rio Grande Mud in Corpus the next day when it was released. They blew me away. R.I.P. Dusty.

  19. He and Billy were the two bearded fuzzy guitar playing rock and roll blues legends of my youth. I had the privilege of seeing them in concert 3 times with each show being better than the one before. Thanks for all the music, memories and good times guys. R.I.P. Dusty, you’ve earned it.

  20. First concert i ever went to. We bought One ticket and printed 6 or 7 more. Early days of rock and roll tickets were so simple to print if you worked in the printing business. ZZ Top was the building block for all of my future concerts. Seen them at least 5 times. Every time was bigger and better. Always has been and always will be a top force in Rock and Roll. Larry/ Lexington Ky

  21. Since he had fractures I am willing to bet he went out like Tom Petty. Too many painkillers.

  22. RIP to one of the most solid bass players in rock and a genuinely nice guy. I suspect his untimely death was secondary to cardiac issues due to his age, his decades of partying and eating “not the healthiest (but delicious) foods” and the injuries he was trying to recover from. I heard a couple try to relate his death to the COVID vaccine, but as a physician, I can tell you that there is absolutely no evidence of sudden death secondary to the vaccine (according to mountains of peer-reviewed scientific data, not the unsubstantiated claims of random, non-scientist conspiracy theorists)

  23. It was a very sad day for me when I heard of the passing of Dusty Hill. I was a big fan of ZZ Top in my 20’s and never quite lost the admiration over the past 30 plus years.
    I did an official name change to “Zee” two years ago from my birth name of Paul, as I wanted to recognize all the efforts of this amazing group and the passing of Dusty in particular, as this was a very significant loss for all of us.
    You will live in our memories and in your music, Dusty. Rest in Peace.
    I know that you are rockin in heaven in the company of Janis, Jimmy, Elvis etc.

    Zee Mitchell
    Ottawa, Ontario Canada

  24. All I can say is it was way too soon. But then we never know when the Lord will take us home. Dusty was an Incredible Human being, an amazing musician and a friend and brother to all that knew him. I’ll never forget the first time a friend of mine introduced me to ZZ Top tres hombres, It was “Amazing” We were in a very dimly lighted room with a very nice stereo and needless to say we all got very,very relaxed and cranked it up. I was blown away! I couldn’t believe that was just three people making all that Awesome music. I had to have more. I went out and got both of their other two albums they had at the time and what can I say, But a Life long fan was born. I’m now 66 years old and still digging the “Z”. Dusty I pray that you may rest in peace Brother and I pray that our Lord Jesus will give your family comfort and peace in their hearts as they deal with your loss. And from all of us fans out here that have loved watching You and Frank and Billy play all of that amazing Life changing music, Please know that you will truly be missed. God Bless

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